The Road Network Improvement Project in Sri Lanka consisted of 19 No. road and bridge rehabilitation projects (£80 million). It was funded by the Asian Development Bank and I was appointed Team Leader (Engineer’s Representative under the FIDIC Red Book 4th Edition). The 250 Km of road rehabilitation included overlays and widening of existing carriageways with asphalt concrete and Double Bituminous Surface Treatment (DBST). Contracts were awarded to local and International contractors.
A large component of the project was to provide local contractors training. DBST provides an effective and economical running surface but can be difficult to construct. This was therefore highlighted as the critical area for training. The client agreed to the proposals and a training programme was devised utilising expertise form Transport Research Laboratory UK (TRL). An initial one week course was held with many of the local contractors. This was followed by on-the-job training during the actual construction phase.
Quality Assurance System (QA) was established for the project. On such a diverse project with nineteen contracts and 150 technical staff, standardisation was essential for effective control of the works. The QA system proved invaluable in monitoring and administration and, at a later stage, in the assessment of Contractor’s claims.
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